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Eco Friendly Ideas For This Christmas

Posted by The Chocablock Events Team on Aug 10, 2020

Every Christmas season comes with the pressure to find that perfect gift for each of your loved ones. But it’s no longer just about finding something special, practical, and appreciated—there is also the growing concern of making holiday choices that limit environmental impact. After all, ‘tis the season for food waste, soaring electricity bills, one-time-use products, and plastic packaging. Here are some tips on how to make your Christmas season a bit greener (and save a bit of green in your wallet too!)

Buy decorations made from recyclable materials—or better yet, make them yourself!

The Christmas season is a great time to get creative. Your environmental impact this Christmas can really depend on the choices you make on Boxing Day. Instead of chucking decorations, wrapping paper, used Christmas bon-bons, and packaging into the nearest bin; consider storing them for next year. We promise that they will still be in style! Take last-year’s leftovers and see what you can create on your own! Hand-made decorations, ornaments, wrapping-paper, advent calendars, and cards are not only reusable; they are also appreciated more for their uniqueness and thoughtfulness. If being crafty is not your strong suit, new decorations in stores will say on the label if they are made with recyclable materials. Craft fairs are also a great place to find handmade items made with sustainable materials for corporate christmas gifts (as well as supporting local businesses!)

Consider Personalised Christmas gifts

Ignore the pressure to buy extravagant gifts for loved ones. Family and friends will appreciate thoughtful and personalised Christmas hampers more than luxury items. You can reuse the containers from last year’s hampers and Christmas gift boxes and turn them into brand new ones for this year. Consider delicious chocolate Christmas boxes, gifts, and hampers from Chocablock and incorporate your own handmade crafts, jams and jellies, photos, and cards into the gift.

Avoid single-use packaging

Disposable tableware and packaging might be convenient for large family gatherings, but after your meal that styrofoam plate will sit in a landfill for 500 years before it decomposes. Consider using fabric napkins and tablecloths that can be washed and reused. Likewise, stainless steel cutlery and straws are better options than single-use items.

Watch your electricity usage

The environment (and your wallet) will thank you if you invest in energy-saving LED lights with automatic timers to ensure minimal energy usage. And remember there’s no reason to waste electricity on holiday lights if no one is there to see them. Focus that Christmas spirit and energy into specific rooms and turn off all lights and heating systems in rooms that you’re not using.

Christmas Tree in a pot!

Real Christmas trees are considered more ideal and environmentally friendly than plastic options. However, there is still the problem of Christmas trees being single-use items that we throw away. Our personal favourite tradition is to buy a potted Christmas tree that we plant in the backyard after the festivities. You’ll not only help the environment, but also beautify your garden and preserve cherish memories from that particular year.

Manage Food & Waste

A little over-indulgence with family and friends is part of the Christmas celebration. However, don’t let indulgence turn into food waste. Shop locally and choose seasonal produce and don’t buy foods just because they are traditional if you know no one in your family likes them. Plan ahead of time with your guests on whose coming and who is bringing what to avoid excess waste. If you’re hosting 12 people, make it a point to cook enough to feed 12 people and not 12 armies. Finally, get creative with leftovers (soups and sandwiches!) and send guests home with doggy bags. 

In the weeks leading up to Christmas, we are bombarded with advertisements that tell us to buy new, buy plenty, and buy now! We hope that with our eco-friendly tips, you can turn the focus of the season from excess to sustainability.